Welcome to JobInventory.com - a search engine with a singular goal. Give job seekers the quickest access to the largest selection of jobs from the widest variety of sources on the Internet - and do it all without the influence of paid advertising.
"Give job seekers the quickest access to the largest selection of jobs from the widest variety of sources on the Internet - and do it all without the influence of paid advertising."
A few important points that make us different:
// We do not spider or crawl jobs from 3rd party sites. All jobs in our index are provided to us as part of our unique Contributor Program. This ensures that every job in our search results is from an employer, recruiter or job board that truly wants to hear from job seekers.
// No ads - just jobs. What does this mean? That the results served to the job seeker are 100% organic, based on their search. Most other sites have advertising programs that prioritize results based on the highest bidder.
// We accept jobs from all sources. Employers, job boards, classified sites. Many sites prefer one type of job over another depending on where it originates - vastly limiting the job seeker's choices. We include all jobs leaving the selection process up to the job seeker.
// Powerful filtering. We leave the filtering of the results up to the user. Selection of criteria such as experience, location, posting date, and company are easy to do to help find that "perfect" fit.
If you're a recruiter, employer or job board and would like your jobs included in our index as part of our Contributor Program, please start the process here.
If you are a job seeker with great ideas about how JobInventory.com can improve your job search experience we'd also like to hear from you.